Se7en is a 1995 American movie starring Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman, Directed by David Fincher. The title sequence created by Kyle Cooper in the movie is what I shall be analysing.
At the beginning of the opening title sequence we are introduced to the character of Detective Lt. William Somerset who is played by Morgan Freeman mis-en-scene is used very subtle to describe his character by what he does and his apartment. He is first seen standing over his kitchen sink washing up crockery, he then turns round and does his cuffs up on his shirt, which is white what resembles good and justice his surrounding are also white. Subtly in the corner of the screen there is a chess board which symbolises that he is strategic thinker who is always one step ahead which is a possibility that he is a crime fighter of some sort, also the chess board could resemble a game between him and the antagonist, Somerset being white and the antagonist being black. Somerset walks over to his mirror and adjusts his tie neatly this shows that he is a very organised person as he picks up his daily items in a specific order “ Keys, police badge hence why he is so organised, a pocket knife and a pen”. Somerset obliviously cares about his appearance because he inspects his blazer and flick of a speck of dust this also shows he is very analytical when in a crime scene.
Now Somerset has gone to work at a crime scene in which there have been deaths, in this scene he is also portrayed as a caring and loving character for example he seems concerned about the murders if the children saw it. The fellow detective reacts like what kind of question is that.
The Audience are now introduced to the secondary main character Detective Mills played by Brad Pitt, who is chewing gum and this could betray him a cocky character, Mills and Somerset step outside after the body bags have been removed the two characters begin to talk. Somerset then queries Mills why he was transferred, to which Mills replies in a very cocky manner, during their convocation Somerset mentions key words to the plot “Seven day’s” as seven murders are carried out during seven days.
After their convocation the camera jump shots to Somerset tucked in bed reading a book, this also portrays him as intellectual, Somerset then sets down his book and removes his glasses and a verity of sounds can be heard, car alarms, moving cars, arguments and shouting, this portrays the area in which Somerset lives isn’t exactly a pleasant area. Somerset reach over to his bed side table and turns on a metronome which drowns out the noise of the corrupted and polluted city bellow.
The title sequence now occur where we are introduced to the antagonist, the mood has now change as the light has gone gloomy and creepy, it starts with a close-up of a books pages being turned, titles appear every time the screen goes black they are dark and shadow and look like they have been carved or scratched into with a sharp object, this shows that this character is r or criminally insane. The sound is a tape being rewound which could represent that the same ideas are going around the antagonists head over and over again. The antagonist then shaves his finger tips with a razor blade removing his finger prints which shows he doesn’t want to be found.
The book which the antagonist this building could suggest that he/she is planning something, the photographs they are sticking into the book are of dead people and negatives clippings, they could be a photographer. The antagonist in the sequence is seen sewing pages together, using a scalpel and tweezers this could mean they may be a surgeon, at the end of the title sequence there is an extreme close-up of an American dollar and the word god being cut out with a scalpel, this means our villain is religious. The sequence end with a voice saying “You get me closer to God” then the film begins.
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